Please complete the form for EACH disease you plan to address in your project. You will need a SEPARATE plan for each disease. You can borrow from the SMM presentations to complete this with evidence-based plans, and you can add in parts to fit your culture. But, these should all be plans that can be tested and verified. Remember: The Zero in on Zero plans are “What” you will do and not “How” you will do it. How you will do it is your implementation plan. Remember: This is not a timeline. You are deciding what needs to be done “Before treatment”, “During treatment”, and “After treatment” Tip: Some community, education and behavior items may appear both Before and After If you are planning on more than two diseases, you can copy one of the following pages to complete your Zero in on Zero plans
Please provide as much detail as you are able. For example, do not list “medications”. Instead list the specific kind of medication you plan to purchase. Help us understand exactly what you are purchasing. Avoid general categories that do not describe what is being bought. (Note: You are free to use your own budget format, but is must show the same breakdown of costs per item and quantity)